This website in published and maintained by the Finnish Forum for Research in Integrative Medicine and Healthcare (SILF). The website is financially supported by the Finnish Associations of Anthroposophic Doctors, Suomen Antroposofisen lääketieteen lääkäriyhdistys (SALLY ry).
Suomen Antroposofisen lääketieteen lääkäriyhdistys (SALLY) ry
Yhdistysrekisteri: 173.694
Koulutuvantie 23 D
00680 Helsinki
Working principles
The website works as an Internet portal to facilitate prompt access to original research published in peer-reviewed journals focusing on IM/CAM. If available, the presented links guide directly to open access full articles on the publishers´ websites. Otherwise the links guide to the abstract in the PubMed Library.
As research is a steadily ongoing process, the presented data on this website can give only some actual view - and this very limited - on the rapidly growing study evidence in integrative medicine and healthcare.
Competing interests
We declare no competing interests.
© 2020 Finnish Forum for Research in Integrative Medicine and Health Care (SILF).
This site is licensed under Creative Commons, some rights reserved. Visitors are free to share content, with attribution, so long as it is non-commercial and unmodified from the original.
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Design and webmaster
Peter Zimmermann