Mission and working principles
The purpose of the Forum is to inform about the development of Integrative Medicine and Integrative Healthcare in the world, in Europe and in Finland based on factual information with the focus on research. The Forum is intended to act via the Internet portal, giving information about research, universities and health care institutions and organizations in the field of Integrative Medicine.
In addition, the Forum intends to inspire and promote research in the field of Integrative Medicine and Healthcare in Finland. With this intention the Forum aims to open the discussion on the values and challenges related to Integrative Medicine for public health care and medicine. The Forum focuses on academic research without representing or propagating any specific therapeutic system in the field of IM/CAM.
The presented lists of study references to research in the different fields of IM/CAM focuses on commonly practised IM/CAM methods and medical systems in Europe as shown up in the CAMbrella project WP5, completed by biofeedback/mind-body research and functional medicine which were not addressed in CAMbrella.
To achieve these goals the Forum collaborates with universities, research institutions and organizations in the field of Integrative Medicine in Finland, Europe and worldwide.
The Forum is open for anybody who is willing to propagate reseach in the field of IM/CAM and to enter the discussion based on research evidence.
The term "Integrative Medicine" is used according to the definition inaugurated 1999 by the Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health.
"Integrative Medicine is the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing".