European Society of Integrative Medicine

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Integrative medicine in the European Parliament

Interest Group on Integrative Medicine & Health

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Yhdistävä Lääketiede ry

Täydentävät terveysnäkemykset


Complementary and Alternative Medicine Knowledge Production and Social Transformation
Editors: Brosnan, Caragh, Vuolanto, Pia, Brodin Danell, Jenny-Ann (Eds.)


Peter Heusser:
Anthroposophy and Science

A fascinating book on the scientific background of Integrative Medicine

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Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Key documents

International Society for Complimentary Medicine Research

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Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health

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Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine

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Peer-reviewed Journals of Research in Integrative Medicine and CAM



Advances Integrative Medicine (Latest Issues)

Articles in Press


Integrative Medicine Research


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MEP Interest-group


NEW: Interest Group Integrative Medicine and Health in the European Parliament

The newly established Interest Group on Integrative Medicine & Health continues the work of the former MEP Interest Group on CAM.

Previous CAM Interest Group Events in the European Parliament

The group intents to provide information on Integrative medicine, Integrative health care and CAM. To acchieve this the group brings together MEPs who work collectively to promote the inclusion of CAM as part of Integrative Medicine & Health in all possible European Parliament public health policy.

More and more members of the European Parliament show up with increasing interest in methods of Integrative medicine and CAM (Complementary and alternative medicine) as part of health policies. Also some Finnish MEPs have expressed the increasing need of citizens to have safe and effective methods of integrative medicine availabe.

Interest groups meetings are events in the the European Parliament, hosted by MEPs to provide information to MEP collegues on disticts issues. At the moment (summer 2020) the group is co-chaired by the Finnish MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen and the French MEP Michèle Rivasi, further members are MEP Tilly Metz from Luxembourg, MEP Eleonora Evi from Italy and MEP Margrete Auken from Denmark.

Information on upcoming events of the Interest group Integrative Medicine & Health availabel on the EUROCAM website

14 June | Online event: Integrative Medicine and Health in prevention and management of COVID-19 and long COVIDin 

On Tuesday 14 June 2022 at 15:00-17:00 CEST

Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss the role of Integrative Medicine and Health in COVID-19 and long COVID with experts in the field of Integrative Medicine and Health and Members of the European Parliament.
By joining this event, you will learn about how Integrative Medicine and Health can
•    improve resilience to COVID-19 and similar infections,
•    reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 or development of Long COVID by promoting resilience and health restoration,
•    improve the recovery from Long COVID

Further information >

Free registration is mandatory. Register here > DEADLINE for REGISTRATION 8 June!

12 October | Online event: Integrative Medicine and Health in Pain

On Tuesday 12 October 2021 16.00-18.00 CET

Management Leading experts will answer questions about Integrative Medicine and Health in Pain Management.

The MEP Interest Group on Integrative Medicine and Health will host an event with leading experts in the field of Integrative Medicine and Health in Pain Management. A unique opportunity to participate in an event where expert speakers share their knowledge and insights

Further information >

Free registration is mandatory. Register here >

'Integrative Oncology - the holistic approach to cancer care' March 17, 2021

Medical experts and Members of the European Parliament (MEP) presented the added-value of Integrative Oncology and answered questions of citizens related to this holistic approach to cancer care during an online event on March 17, hosted by the MEP Interest Group on Integrative Medicine and Health.

For more information about the event “Integrative Oncology - the holistic approach to cancer care”, read the official press release of EUROCAM.

Official launch (virtual)

Monday 7 December 2020 16.00 hrs – 17.45 hrs CET

Hosted by:
Sirpa Pietikäinen, European People’s Party, Finland
Michèle Rivasi, Greens/EFA, France
Tilly Metz, Greens/EFA, Luxembourg
Eleonora Evi, non-attached member for Movimento 5 Stelle, Italy
Margrete Auken, Greens/EFA, Denmark

PROGRAMME - speakers

An introduction to Integrative Medicine and Health
Torkel Falkenberg PhD BSc, associate Professor in Healthcare Research, leader of the Integrative Care research group constellation at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, and long-term advisor to the WHO.

Competence Network of Integrative Medicine (KIM) in
Baden-Württemberg, a network of 10 hospitals offering an integrative approach in the treatment of cancer patients

Thomas Breitkreuz MD, head of the internal medicine department at the Paracelsus Hospital, an Integrative Medicine hospital in Unterlengenhardt, Germany and coordinator/spokesperson of KIM.

Non-antibiotic treatment of infections as a way to reduce the problem of AMR
Erik Baars PhD MSc, professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Leiden, the Netherlands, leader of an international network of researchers at several universities and non-university research centres across Europe about CAM/IM and AMR, and leader of the JPIAMR project “Appropriate use of antibiotics: the role of CAM treatment strategies.”

Q&A session after the presentations.

EUROCAM Press release

Previous CAM Interest Group Events in the European Parliament

February 2018
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): its benefits for EU citizens with musculoskeletal disorders

July 2015
Ensuring the availability of CAM medicinal products

April 2014
CAM: Reducing the need for antibiotics

June 2013
CAM: An investment in health

March 2012
Cancer and the contribution of CAM

October 2011
The need for research into health promotion and CAM

April 2011
Healthy ageing, chronic disease management and the potential contribution of CAM in these areas

November 2010
EU Directives are not working for products used in CAM

CAM Conference in the European Parliament 9.10.2012

On the 9 October 2012, Members of the European Parliament, health professionals, patients and policy makers gathered in the European Parliament to hear and debate presentations on the innovative added value of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for European Healthcare. The potential that CAM has to maintain health, prevent ill-health  promote healthier lifestyles and contribute to the sustainability of health systems should not be disregarded by the European Union at a time when health funding is under so much pressure from economic and demographic pressures, the Conference forcefully concluded.
The event was hosted by MEP Elena Oana Antonescu (EPP, Romania) and co-hosted by MEPs Sirpa Pietikäinen  (EPP, Finland) and Alojz Peterle (EPP, Slovenia).

Further information, presentations etc.