Past conferences and events on Integrative Medicine
II World Summit on Traditional and Complementary Medicine towards an Integrative Medicine
July 16, 17, 18 | July 23, 24, 25, 2021 Live streaming by CABSIN YouTube channel
Organizer: Committee of Traditional, Alternative and Complementary Medicine – Medical College of Peru
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Paikka: Helsingin yliopisto, Biomedicum, Sali 1, Haartmaninkatu 8,
Aika: 14.1.2020, 14.00 - 18.30
Lisätietoja, ohjelma ja ilmoittautuminen
Tampereen yliopistolla yleisölle avoin Studia generalia –luento tiistaina 27.11.2018, klo 14.15 - 15.45
On the Boundaries of Science, Spirituality and Medicine – Establishment of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) as a Medical Subfield
Vieraana on tuolloin apulaisprofessori Jenny-Ann Brodin Danell Uumajan yliopistosta. Aiheena täydentävien ja vaihtoehtoisten hoitojen tutkimuksen kehittyminen lääketieteen erikoisalana. Jenny-Ann on tehnyt laajasti tutkimusta CAM-hoidoista ja erityisesti niiden tutkimustoiminnan kehittymisestä.
Mitä on yhdistävä lääketiede?
Luento- ja keskustelutilaisuus lääketieteellisten ja muiden hoitotapojen yhdistämisestä sekä potilaskokemusten merkityksestä terveydenhuollossa
Aika: Tiistai 27.11.2018 klo 17.00 – 18.30
Paikka: Tampereen yliopiston päärakennus, luentosali LS A4.
Osoite: Kalevantie 4
Järjestäjä: Yhdistävä Lääketiede ry YL ry
Second International Symposium on Research in Acupuncture October 20th and 21st, 2018 in Bologna, Italy
The Association of Medical Acupuncturists of Bologna (A.M.A.B.) and the Society for Acupuncture Research (SAR) are organizing the Second International Symposium on Research in Acupuncture, to be held on October 20th and 21st, 2018 in Bologna, Italy, at the Savoia Regency Hotel.
3rd International Conference on Integrative Medicine and Alternative treatments
October 26-27, 2018
Boston | Massachusetts | USA
Theme: Building bridges between Integrative & Modern Science
11TH EUROPEAN CONGRESS FOR INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE “The Future of Comprehensive Patient Care” Ljubljana, Slovenia 21-23 September 2018
ICCMR 2018 The 2018 International Congress for Complementary & Integrative Medicine Research 2018 International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health In partnership with the Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health Dates: May 8 – 11, 2018 Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA Main webpage:
World Congress Integrative Medicine and Health: 10th ECIM &12th ICCMR Congress Berlin, Gemany, May 3-5th, 2017
International Congress for Integrative Health & Medicine, Suttgart, Germany. 9.-11. June 2016.
9th European Congress for Integrative Medicine ECIM 2016. Global Summit on Integrative Medicine and Healthcare. 9-11 September 2016 - BudapestThe Future of Comprehensive Patient Care.
8th European Congress for Integrative Medicine ECIM 2015
Global Summit on Integrative Medicine and Healthcare. Exploring the Evidence Base for Integrated and Sustainable Research, Healthcare and Workforce for Patients
Greater Copenhagen, Denmark September 25-27th, 2015