European Society of Integrative Medicine

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Täydentävät terveysnäkemykset


Complementary and Alternative Medicine Knowledge Production and Social Transformation
Editors: Brosnan, Caragh, Vuolanto, Pia, Brodin Danell, Jenny-Ann (Eds.)


Peter Heusser:
"Kehittyvä ihmiskuva ja tiede"

Tiedote (pdf)

Osa I: Tietoteoreettista pohdintaa

Osa II: Antropologista pohdintaaLue lisää


Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine

WHO:n keskeiset julkaisut aiheesta

International Society for Complimentary Medicine Research

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Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health

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Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine

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Vertaisarviointilehdet integratiivisen lääketieteen alalla

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Advances Integrative Medicine (latest issues)

Articles in Press


Integrative Medicine Research


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Tutkimusjulkaisut integratiivisen lääketieteen alalla

Special Issue: SARS-CoV-2

Tuoreimmat tutkimustulokset

Julkaisut aiheepiirin mukaan

Lisätietoja tutkimuksista ja datapankkit

Special Issue: SARS-CoV-2

CARE for COVID19 – A Documentation Checklist for the Elaboration of COVID19 Case Reports and Case Series. Werthmann PG, Riley D, Kienle GS. The Permanente Journal. Published online 2020, DOI 10.7812/TPP/20.127.

The potential contribution of traditional, complementary and integrative treatments in acute viral respiratory tract infections: Rapid Reviews in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Steel A, Wardle J and Lloyd I. Advances in Integrative Medicine,Volume 7, Issue 4, December 2020, Pages 181-182.

Editorial: Integrative medicine for COVID-19: researches and evidence. Integrative Medicine Research Available online 4 August 2020, 100496. In Press, Journal Pre-proof.Open access.

AIHM The Academy’s Response to COVID-19 AIHM | June 2020 Newsletter

Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment for COVID-2019: Is China ready for implementing a national guideline? Chungab VCH, HobIrene LTF, Wuc XY. Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment for COVID-2019: Is China ready for implementing a national guideline? Advances in Integrative Medicine 2020;7(2)May 2020:51-54.

The Ethics of COVID-19 Clinical Trials: New Considerations in a Controversial Area. Zhenzhen Han, Junting Wang, Kai Zhang, Qilin Tang. The Ethics of COVID-19 Clinical Trials: New Considerations in a Controversial Area Integrative Medicine Research. Available online 15 May 2020,

Use of herbal drugs to treat COVID-19 should be with caution. Yichang Yang. Use of herbal drugs to treat COVID-19 should be with caution. Published online May 15, 2020.

Integrative Medicine for COVID-19: Researches and Evidence: SI: COVID-19 Edited by Zhang Junhua, Lee Myeong Soo, Joo Myungsoo, Choi Jun-Yong. Integrative Medical Research (9) 2020

The pathogenesis and alteThe pathogenesis and alternative treatment of SARS-CoV2. Jun-Yong Choi, Myungsoo Joo.The pathogenesis and alteThe pathogenesis and alternative treatment of SARS-CoV2. Article 100421.

Immune mechanisms of pulmonary intravascular coagulopathy in COVID-19 pneumonia. McGonagle D, O’Donnell JS, Sharif K, Emery P, Bridgewood CH. Immune mechanisms of pulmonary intravascular coagulopathy in COVID-19 pneumonia.Lancet Rheumatol 2020. Published OnlineMay 7, 2020

Tuoreimmat tutkimustulokset

Special Issue "Safety of Complementary Medicines"

CAM treatments for cough and sore throat as part of an uncomplicated acute respiratory tract infection: a systematic review of prescription rates and a survey among European integrative medical practitioners. Erik W.Baars, EefjeBelt-Van Zoen, MerlinWillcox, RomanHuber, Xiao-YangHu, Esther T.van der Werf. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 39, October 2020, 101194.

Meditation as an approach to lessen menopausal symptoms and insomnia in working women undergoing the menopausal transition period: A randomized controlled trial. Caio Fábio Schlechta Portella, Isabel Cristina Espósito Sorpreso, Alan da Silva Menezes de Assis, Luiz Carlos de Abreu, José Maria Soares, Edmund Chada Baracat, Sandra Dircinha Teixeira de Araujo Moraes, Ana Cristina D’Andretta Tanaka. Advances in Integrative Medicine. Available online 26 August 2020

Should RCT's be used as the gold standard for evidence based medicine? Available Online 26 January 2019 Abhimanyu Ahuja

There is no such thing as alternative medicine, only medicine that works and medicine that doesn’t”… actually, it is a little more complicated than that: the translation gap in complementary and integrative medicine. JonWardle. Advances in Integrative Medicine Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 1-2

The Contribution of Complementary and Alternative Medicine to Reduce Antibiotic Use: A Narrative Review of Health Concepts, Prevention, and Treatment Strategies. Baars EW, Belt-van Zoen E, Breitkreuz T, Martin D, Matthes H, von Schoen-Angerer T, Soldner G, Vagedes J, van Wietmarschen H, Patijn, O, Willcox M, von Flotow P, Teut M, von Ammon K, Thangavelu M, Wolf U, Hummelsberger J, Nicolai T, Hartemann P, Szöke H, McIntyre M, van der Werf E and Huber R. The Contribution of Complementary and Alternative Medicine to Reduce Antibiotic Use: A Narrative Review of Health Concepts, Prevention, and Treatment Strategies. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2019, Article ID 5365608, 29 pages. Full article: Open access

Katsaus suomalaiseen CAM-tutkimukseen. Vuolanto, P., Sorsa, M., Aarva, P., & Helin, K. (2018). Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, 55(3). 0/sa.74424

Integrative Therapies During and After Breast Cancer Treatment: ASCO Endorsement of the SIO Clinical Practice Guideline. Gary H. Lyman, Heather Greenlee, Kari Bohlke, Ting Bao, Angela M. DeMichele, Gary E. Deng, Judith M. Fouladbakhsh, Brigitte Gil, Dawn L. Hershman, Sami Mansfield, Dawn M. Mussallem, Karen M. Mustian, Erin Price, Susan Rafte, and Lorenzo Cohen. J Clin Oncol 36:2647-2655. © 2018 by American Society of Clinical Oncology. Open access (pdf)

Erfahrungen am Lebensende: Eine Umfrage bei Ärzten und Pflegenden eines Spitals für anthroposophisch erweiterte Medizin. Klein S, Kohler S, Krüerke D, Templeton A, Weibel A, Haraldsson E, Nahm M, Wolf U; Complementary Medicine Research 2018 25:38-43.

A 4-year non-randomized comparative phase–IV study of early rheumatoid arthritis: integrative anthroposophic medicine for patients with preference against DMARDs versus conventional therapy including DMARDs for patients without preference. Hamre H J, Pham Van N, Kern Ch, Rau R, Klasen J, Schendel U, Gerlach L, Drabik A, Simon L; Patient Preference and Adherence 2018 12: 375-97 DOI:

Integrative cancer care in a certified Cancer Centre of a German Anthroposophic hospital. Thronicke A, Li Oei S, Merkle A, Herbstreit C, Lemmens HP, Grah C, Kröz M, Matthes H, Schad F; Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2018 DOI:

Complementary Medicine Research: From Personalized Medicine to Person-Centered and Integrative Health Care Vol. 24, Suppl. 1, 2017

Spiritual needs of mothers with sick new born or premature infants– A cross sectional survey among German mothers. Büssing A, Waßermann U, Hvidt N Ch, Längler A, Thiel M; Australian College of Midwives 2017 DOI:

Impact of a combined multimodal-aerobic and multimodal intervention compared to standard aerobic treatment in breast cancer survivors with chronic cancerrelated fatigue - results of a three-armed pragmatic trial in a comprehensive cohort design. Kröz M, Reif M, Glinz A, Berger B, Nikolaou A, Zerm R, Brinkhaus B, Girke M, Büssing A, Gutenbrunner C, and On behalf of the CRF-2 study group. BMC Cancer (2017) 17:166. DOI 10.1186/s12885-017-3142-7. Full article Open Access:

Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Europe: Health-related and sociodemographic determinants.
Laura M. Kemppainen, Teemu T. Kemppainen, Jutta A. Reippainen, Suvi T. Salmenniemi, Pia H. Vuolanto. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2017: 1–8

Julkaisut aiheepiírin mukaan



Hyöty-kustannus analyysit

Kliiniset tutkimukset


Editorial: A Roadmap for CAM Research towards the Horizon of 2020. Walach H and Pietikäinen S. Forsch Komplementmed 2014;21:80–81

Integrative Medicine in America: How Integrative Medicine Is Being Practiced in Clinical Centers Across the United States. Horrigan B, Lewis S, Abrams D, Pechura C. The Bravewell Collaborative 2012.
Barnes PM, Bloom B, Nahin R. CDC National Health Statistics Report

Why we need integrative medicine? Roberti di Sarsina P and Iseppato I.
EPMA Journal (2011) 2:5–7 DOI 10.1007/s13167-011-0065-2

Complementary therapy systems and their integrative evaluation. Kienle GS, Albonico H-U, Fischer L, Martin Frei-Erb M, Hamre HJ, Heusser P, Matthiessen PF, Renfer and Kiene H. Explore 2011; 7:175-187. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2011.02.001.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Survey of Hospitals: Summary of ResultsAnanth S. 2010. Health Forum (American Hospital Association) and the Samueli Institute. September 2011.
The efficacy and cost effectiveness of integrative medicine: a review of the medical and corporate literature. Guarneri E, Horrigan BJ and Pechura. Explore 2010; 6:308-312. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2010.06.012

The Use of Complementary and Integrative Oncology for the Whole Person: A Multidimensional Approach to Cancer Care. Geffen JR. Integr Cancer Ther 2010 9: 105. DOI: 10.1177/1534735409355172.

Integrative Medicine Research: Context and Priorities. Commissioned for the IOM Summit on Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public, February, 2009 Deng G, Weber W, Sood A and Kemper K.

Alternative Medicine in the United States. Findings from the 2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the National Center for Health Statistics. December 2008.


Accidental intakes of remedies from complementary and alternative medicine in children—analysis of data from the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre. Zuzak TJ, Rauber-Lüthy C and Simões-Wüst AP: Eur J Pediatr (2010) 169:681–688
DOI 10.1007/s00431-009-1087-9

Hyöty-kustannus analyysit

Economic Evaluation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Oncology: Is There a Difference Compared to Conventional Medicine? Huebner J, Prott FJ, Muecke R, Stoll C, Buentzel J, Muenstedt K and Mickeg O. Med Princ Pract. 2017 Jan; 26(1): 41–49. Published online 2016 Sep 7. doi: 10.1159/000450645

Are complementary therapies and integrative care cost-effective? A systematic review of economic
Evaluations.Herman PM, Poindexter BL, Witt CM, Eisenberg DM (2012): BMJ Open 2012;2:e001046.

Patients whose GP knows complementary medicine tend to have lower costs and live longer. Peter Kooreman P and Baars EW (2010): Eur J Health Econ
DOI 10.1007/s10198-011-0330-2

Cost effectiveness of complementary medicines. Report by Access Economics Pty Limited for The National Institute of Complementary Medicine (2010)

Development of Costs for Complementary Medicine after Provisional Inclusion into the Swiss Basic Health Insurance. Studera HP and Busato A: Forsch Komplementmed 2011;18:15–23 Published online: January 22, 2011. DOI: 10.1159/000323735

Kliiniset tutkimukset






Accidental intakes of remedies from complementary and alternative medicine in children—analysis of data from the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre. Zuzak TJ, Rauber-Lüthy C and Simões-Wüst AP: Eur J Pediatr (2010) 169:681–688
DOI 10.1007/s00431-009-1087-9


Economic Evaluation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Oncology: Is There a Difference Compared to Conventional Medicine? Huebner J, Prott FJ, Muecke R, Stoll C, Buentzel J, Muenstedt K and Mickeg O. Med Princ Pract. 2017 Jan; 26(1): 41–49. Published online 2016 Sep 7. doi: 10.1159/000450645

Use and Perceived Benefits of Complementary Therapies by Cancer Patients Receiving Conventional Treatment in Italy. Bonacchi A, Fazzi L, Toccafondi A, Cantore M, Mambrini A, Muraca MG, Banchelli G, Panella M, Focardi F, Calosi R, Di Costanzo F, Rosselli M, and Miccinesi G. J Pain Symptom Manage 2014;47:26e34.

Network Oncology (NO) – a Clinical Cancer Register for Health Services Research and the Evaluation of Integrative Therapeutic Interventions in Anthroposophic Medicine. Schad F, Axtner J, Happe A, Breitkreuz T, Paxino C, Gutsch J, Matthes B,  Debus M, Kröz M, Spahn G, Riess H, von Laue H and Matthes H. Forsch Komplementmed 2013;20:353–360Published online: October 24, 2013. DOI: 10.1159/000356204.


Editorial: A Roadmap for CAM Research towards the Horizon of 2020. Walach H and Pietikäinen S. Forsch Komplementmed 2014;21:80–81

Why we need integrative medicine? Roberti di Sarsina P and Iseppato I.
EPMA Journal (2011) 2:5–7 DOI 10.1007/s13167-011-0065-2


Opposite Drug Prescription and Cost Trajectories following Integrative and Conventional Care for Pain – A Case-Control Study. Sundberg, Petzold M, Kohls N and Falkenberg T. PLoS ONE 2014; 9(5): e96717. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096717

Lisätietoja tutkimuksista ja datapankki

CAM on PubMed®
About CAM on PubMed® NCCIH and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) have partnered to create CAM on PubMed®, a subset of NLM's PubMed. PubMed provides access to citations from the MEDLINE database and additional life science journals. It also includes links to many full-text articles at journal Web sites and other related Web resources.

Countway Library of Medicine: Integrative Medicine
This guide provides links to evidence-based, reputable sources of information on alternative therapies, herbs and dietary supplements, traditional medicine, mind body therapies and more.